Wednesday, January 21, 2009

California , what not to do !

The new Obama presidency only needs to look at California to know what not to do in managing the country. California is on the verge of bankruptcy. California spends almost double than any other state per child on education, they spend billions caring for illegal immigrants with their sanctuary cities. Their Democratically controlled house and senate spend money they don't have (and don't blame the Rep governor, he fights this spending every year). Their state taxes and local taxes are driving people out of California in droves. Basically California has already tried everything Dem's are proposing we do on a national scale. Higher taxes and more entitlements. All they have to do is look at California to see what not to do. We need to stop the spending and cut entitlements. Lower the deficit and cut taxes to individuals and corporations. Our country has the second highest federal corporate tax rate in the world. You want jobs to come back to America then cut corporate taxes and give them a reason to come back.


  1. You are sooo right! I don't understand how they think they can get away with spending money they don't have long term. I know that when I do out the budget for our family if we don't have money to cover everything we need to make up for it else where by cutting non essential items.
    Maybe they take another look at how households are run, then again with our country they'd be on the right track!

  2. You state we have the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world. Can you name your source of information?

  3. Hey blitz, it looks like they're in the top 10 in the nation according to this link.

    I don't know how they rank in the world, but taxes are pretty high none the less.

  4. Again we are talking about federal corporate taxes. As reported on every business cable station and publication we are the second highest in the world. Japan is number one. Nice try Blitz

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